
  1. Please explain Corporate citizenship as part of the business model

  2. Please explain Measuring corporate social responsibility

  3. What makes a multinational company a global citizen

  4. Please explain Managing the interests of stakeholders

  5. Please explain Mutual benefit and responsible business practice

  6. Please explain Corporate governance, best practice

  7. Please explain Human rights in the global marketplace

  8. Please explain Environmental risk management

  9. Please explain Corporate social responsibility as part of the business

  10. Please explain CRS practices in the organisation of your choice




Corporate citizenship relates to the social obligations of business to society. Corporate citizenship is critical, considering the stake of both the owners and the employees in brand image building and being a responsible member of the community. Businesses across the world have significant ethical and legal responsibilities; the best institution builds up a solid formation of corporate citizenship, and professed an assurance to ethical conduct by making peace between the priorities of shareholders and the needs of the community. These CSR exercises help the firm to present themselves as socially responsible companies that make efforts towards society’s betterment.

Interchangeably, Philanthropy is used in place of corporate citizenship. A firm’s apprehension of public benefits and managing their business activities in line with the rules based in alliance with corporate citizenship is necessary. Terri Williams from the economist refers to the 2018 Delotte survey of 11 thousand HR’s and business leaders from across the globe, and 77& of the respondents realized and focused on the importance of CSR and Corporate citizenship. (Williams, 2020) Hence all across the globe CSR practices are being valued and followed.

Occasionally, companies operate alone in the community or towards the betterment of the environment. They work closely with different businesses and NGOs that are facing issues or influence. The approach of corporate responsibility and corporate citizenship are mostly replaceable to each other; corporate social responsibility (CSR) is also the idea of corporate citizenship that can be changed or in various forms depends on the company’s structure and type. It is integral to making it a part of the firm’s plans towards the betterment of the community.

Adam Hayes refers to it as a social responsibility of businesses across the globe that (HAYES, 2019)

Corporate Citizenship needs to be a part of the business model as then it will become a necessary thing to do. CZ provides benefits as companies leverage their core competencies to tackle the challenges, make priorities, and measure the organizational background that concerns the financial, social, and governance aspects of the (ESG). Research shows that excellent social and environmental performance in companies is no longer merely “nice to have” as a part of the overall strategy of an organization. Hence it can be concluded on the fact that it recognizes that it is not possible to reach the maximum benefit of the corporate obligations in isolation; companies need to aid all those organizations and individuals that are working for the benefit of the global environment.

There is a need for continued dialogue between businesses and community partners, managers, and individuals within the value chain of an organization. Each is an essential component for recognizing the impact that corporate citizenship can build. All stakeholders need to join hands to make the overall predicament better. The value of corporate citizenship needs to be realized by all businesses, and they need to focus on the global plight. They need to explore alternatives sources of minimizing the impact their product could have on the environment and the society as a whole.


Corporate Social Responsibility stands as one of the most common and widely appreciated business practices at every level all across the globe with every brand and company aiming to support sustainability and other methods. It has become a necessity in the modern-day business world, not just as an image-building tool but also as a responsibility towards the betterment of society. Social investment funds are allocated that has emerged as one of the integral elements in modern-day businesses. To measure the impact of any CSR activity, KPI’s can be set that need to be met for the CSR activity to become successful and prosperous. (Indonesia, 2009)

Social guidelines are integral in order to view the parameters set for measuring and evaluating a patchwork of national guidelines, and global understanding has built up that currently forces businesses to consider the social and environmental implementation of their exercises. Reports are then arranged and marketed to interested parties (consumers, investors, and other companies). Sales of these reports become the primary income source for these companies. Extra incomes originate from customized studies as assumed for customers, for which field analysts visit these organizations. For example, Calvert Group depends on an internal team of specialists in labor relations, environmental sustainability, and defense-related issues, worldwide human rights organizations, organizations for the protection of wildlife that help them.  (Hopkins, 2005)

Michael Hopkins, in an article, defines corporate social responsibility and puts forth a procedure to measure CSR of a company. Prior to this KPI’s set were merely the Indicators that were chosen as per the whims rather than actual meaningful procedure. As per his understanding, CSR can be measured at three levels. A) Principles set forward of Social Responsibility that includes legitimacy, Public responsibility as well as managerial direction given by the company. Secondly, the process of social responsiveness that has adapted at the company can also be measured that includes Business Environment, Managing the stakeholder, and identifying the issues that determine the critical motivating principles of the company. Lastly, the outcomes of social responsibility are also integral that aid in seeing how the internal and external stakeholder is affected by it and finally, how much external institutional effects impact upon it. (Hopkins, 2005)

In terms of vital elements that need to be measured include,

  • Working environment
  • Product safety and effect
  • International operations and human rights
  • Public relations.

Formulating a strong CSR strategy is clearly in the excitement of an organization. A good score will yield grants, adulation, deals, and popularity. It diminishes the probability of ‘stir’ as shoppers, finance professionals, against the organization. Nonetheless, even suitable CSR activities do not guarantee stakeholder recognition. In the case of a poor strategy, it can shake the economic foundations of an organization’s operations. Then again, they will also carefully inspect the assessment methods used to ensure that the stakeholders and the companies being assessed regard them as both credible and suitable. There is a discernible rivalry between the agencies responsible for measuring the rating and the businesses that they rate.  (Márquez, 2005)


Companies take an interest in the happenings across the world in other countries. Simultaneously, these companies are confronting new requests to address global issues such as environmental concerns and poverty. The nature and extent of moral obligation inside partnerships change after some time that should improve as both the companies of the company and the general public wherein enterprises implanted develop. Earlier, when corporate organizations were no more intertwined than individual family arrangements or game plans for small companies, one might typically interpret the corporate values of an independent company as being covalent with individual entrepreneurs’ moral commitments. (UNO, 2008)

Corporate social responsibility is an idea that endeavors to carry a more extensive moral comprehension to the subject of business association. Since corporate businesses are essential to the social orders in which they exist, their management takes responsibility towards the wellbeing of society by and large just as to the interests of those maintaining the business. Responding to concerns like sustainability, companies have willfully started applying worldwide corporate social responsibility methodologies to guarantee that their business is conducted while following environment-friendly practices. (Ort, 2004)

They may create sets of standard rules or observing procedures to ensure that their subcontractors produce merchandise without abusing laborers or the earth. There is, in any case, no all-around shared meaning of global corporate responsibility. Business for Social Responsibility characterizes worldwide corporate social duty (CSR) as “business dynamic connected to moral values…and regards for individuals, societies, and the environment.” (Ort, 2004)

Most business leaders want their organizations to act responsibly wherever they work. However, like most policymakers and activists, they don’t force its implementation across the board. There is no guide for worldwide corporate behavior. Also, numerous administrators accept they are just market entertainers who meet their corporate responsibility by expanding investor esteem. Others, in any case, allow that they should discover approaches to deal with their activities in a socially and environmentally capable way. (Ort, 2004)

In light of these events, governments across the world are attempting to assist businesses with advancing global responsibility towards sustainability. Citizens can’t depend entirely on advertise powers to develop moral conduct. Even though business sectors have urged more firms to act dependably in the global economy, showcase powers have not been adequate to guarantee intelligent behavior always. The correct blend of clear strategies can ensure that market powers don’t penalize responsible firms for advancing human rights and practical turn of events. (Aaronson, 2003)

Significant reforms have been made across the globe regarding CSR. Many different governments highlight the corporate prerequisites to enable corporate social responsibility. The French government, for example, updated French corporate laws in 2002 and ordered the disclosure of social and environmental organizations that towards its execution. Also, Europeans are beginning to consider whether CSR systems and that it applying the techniqueswill enable them to minimize the harms caused by such business practices. Hence across the world, not only that CSR’s value is being reconsidered but also that it has its value across the globe.


Stakeholders across the world influence the accomplishments of an association’s goals. They are directly influenced by the achievement of an association’s targets and goals. Creditors, customers, directors, employees, government, and its organizations – proprietors & shareholders, suppliers unions, and the community from which the business draws its assets are the key stakeholders in a company.Managing the interests of organization stakeholders and adjusting the business practices with respect to the benefits is integral for the greater good. Corporations can be gradually receptive to society’s interests all in all by incorporating stakeholder investment into their chieftainship sheets.

The primary stakeholders have vested interests as consumers, creditors in every organization that concerns CSR implementations. Corporate directors are responsible for coordinating and negotiating with stakeholders in the light of genuine concerns across the globe regarding sustainability. Stakeholders are equally accountable in aiding to realize and emphasize upon the need and understandings regarding the CSR policy of a company. What steps need to be taken to run a company, and what part the stakeholders have to play as their part in making sure those rules and duties are being fulfilled is necessary? (Foundation, 2013)

Secondary stakeholders are indirectly affected by the organization’s steps taken towards evaluative the efforts of the organizations towards supporting the organization’s efforts of corporate social responsibilities. Significantly, CSR works in the form of self-regulation, and the secondary stake holder’s need to monitor the practices of a company. They need to make sure that the company is not breaking the rule and regulations set by the government in following the fundamental principles to ensure that CSR is possible. In the stakeholder views, the source for the obligation concerning the association’s stakeholders depends on their reality and position.

Sustainability has become a phenomenon, and even multinationals recognize that there is a concern for the atmosphere and inefficient corporate activities by stakeholders. As customers have been increasingly conscious of air pollution, as well as the eco-friendly use of the Business resources, several businesses have taken steps to keep in line with the engagement of the customers. This move by companies makes a negative impact on employees as well as the entire business sector, as demand for environmentally friendly products has been increasing with the realization of its needs. More and more big companies are being held accountable by the stakeholders in order to make them obey all the legislation regarding the environment and to help enhance the quality of life or at least not reduce it.  (Roanhorse, 2020)

The stakeholders should take an interest because these corporate practices need to be composed of the stakeholders’ commitments and understanding regarding managing these hazards. Businesses across the globe are increasingly implementing strategies that include not only the critical needs of the operations and enterprise of the company, but also comply with all the regulations put forth regarding CSR. Sustainability recognizes the potential impacts of sustainable growth. Understanding that sustainability is vital to preserving natural resources and human life is integral for the stakeholders. (Roanhorse, 2020)


Ethical business practices tie-up with taking a positive approach towards following the guidelines, and stakeholders’ wishes in making an organization’s brand image better. The practical approach forward on this is to search for mutual benefit, an answer that offers the advantage to both the organization and the other stakeholders. The CSR supporters have progressively perceived that responsible companies can make a more committed to the community that they work to expand these incentives for the environment and society, and if they utilize their skills, aptitudes, and assets, they can attain the goals set forward regarding sustainability management.

In South Africa, a variety of initiatives for helping the process of sustainability have been taken by contractual workers to levels where they can fulfill the needs of running a responsible business. In one mining organization, for instance, huge amounts of hardware have been disposed of when realized that it was causing pollution and harming the natural environment.

P Ducker, in an article, discusses about the business being socially responsible and become an agent of creating benefits for the world. More and more companies are now discovering the truth regarding this assertion from management expert Peter Drucker across the globe. As per the study, Research shows a significant increase in concern among corporate leaders for connecting company practices with social and environmental issues consistently. A survey of 1200 top-level U.S. company executives was conducted, and 81 percent of them said that resolving social and ecological problems is vitally important for companies. 84 out of 100 said that it was related directly to economic competitiveness. More than 60 of 100 said that the company is obligated to behave like a socially responsible entity, and’ 73 of 100 said that these practices are an expression of values. All these facts highlight that it is integral to become socially responsible. (FRY, 2016).

For instance, a direct stock management system can help guarantee that the distributor or retailer isn’t overloaded on certain things while being unavailable on others. What’s more, adequate stock control will cause the wholesaler to have a more grounded system to make their stock management better. For example, the elements in an organization, including the activities, human relationships, or promotion, all play a mutually beneficial role in the execution of a CSR strategy. Nevertheless, one of the attributes of corporate citizenship that makes it both satisfying and test simultaneously extends to all the framework set forth. Thus, it is frequently most effectively valued by the CEO and the senior administration gathering and can discover challenges in coming through all the various capacities at the central administration level. The common advantage is a practical methodology and apparatus for the dependable company both for accomplishing more in formulating business activities and as a method for utilizing resources for corporate community inclusion.  (Fontaine, 2013)


Corporate governance is the structure, rules, practices, and procedures that co-ordinate and regulate an organization. Corporate governance involves balancing the interests of various stakeholders in a business, such as shareholders, senior management, clients, vendors, financiers, administration, and the network. Corporate governance also gives the framework to achieve the objectives of a corporation; it encompasses every circle of the managers, from business strategies and manage the internal controls to business estimates and corporate disclosure.

The appropriate governance practices will emphatically affect long haul corporate performance – but companies must plan and actualize those that both conform to lawful prerequisites and meet their specific needs. Here are the leading five corporate governance best practices that each Board of Directors can connect with – and that will profit each organization.  (Subramanian, 2015) They need to,

Build a stable professional executive board and review execution. Committees should include competent and business-related managers who are qualified and capable and have ethical values and uprightness, diverse foundations and skill ranges, and ample time to reflect on their responsibilities. (Subramanian, 2015)

  • All business executives must be autonomous: not a part of management and with no direct or roundabout material relationship that could meddle with their judgment. Educate them and offer the new executives guidance to familiarize them with the company, their responsibilities, and the desires of the Board; keep time in Board meetings for the continuing company and governance training.
  • Define all the jobs and assigned duties. Build up away from of responsibility among the Executive Officers and management, create documented orders for the Board, and every council setting out their responsibilities and the terms of accountability.
  • Separate all the roles entrusted to both the company chairman and the CEO: the chair guides the board and ensures that it works in the ultimate gains sought out by the organization; the CEO controls the management, develops and reviews corporate strategies and reports to the board of directors.
  • The Board will analyze, conduct, and resolve choices about the concept of remuneration. Set the charges of the directors that will attract inappropriate up-and-comers, but do not appear to claim in the autonomy of the director or discharge his / her responsibilities.
  • Set quantifiable execution goals for officials (counting the CEO), regularly survey, and evaluate their presentation against them and attach performance remuneration.

Companies should always distinguish and study the dangers they face that are related to any department of the company and suggest appropriate solutions. The Board is answerable for the critical initiative in building up the organization’s hazard resistance and building up a structure and clear accountabilities for managing risk. Management will regularly audit the magnitude of systems and controls management puts in place to identify, assess, mitigate, and screen chance and the appropriateness of its description. Directors are able to understand the present and establish short and long haul chances facing the company and the suggestions for the show. They will challenge the presumptions of the business executives and the sufficiency of the organization’s risk management, their procedures and methods.


The most impressive and refined roles at the world stage today aren’t being played by governments but by NGO’s and other companies. While some worldwide businesses show thought for the individuals whose lives they contact, many don’t. Regardless of inadequacy/plan, some companies genuinely hurt the communities around them and impact the quality of human life. A lot of the obligation to forestall and address organization driven human rights misuse lies with governments. As organizations keep on broadening their worldwide come to, their activities influence the human rights of progressively more individuals in significant manners. Governments have neglected to keep pace.

Most nations have laws, as well as the books requiring companies to stick to essential human rights gauges on their dirt. In any case, global companies work far and wide in nations that can’t or don’t give enough oversight or guideline for their human rights practices.  History straight up through the current day shows that ineffectively directed businesses can destroy the lives of the individuals and networks they sway. Human Rights Watch explore in places as various as Eritrea, Papua New Guinea, India, Bangladesh, and Nigeria has demonstrated this very obviously. Governments should haul their heads out of the sand and acknowledge their obligation to manage and control organization human rights practices.

The reasons organizations give for restricting extraterritorial human rights oversight or guideline by their home governments don’t stand up well to examination. (, 2020)

One of the most widely recognized is the thought that such control would put them at a severe burden against deceitful firms from nations with less dynamic governments. However, in all honesty, organizations ought not to put resources into business sectors where they can’t viably contend without being complicit in particular human rights mishandles that they have to escape their governments and shareholders. Those feelings of trepidation are reasonably justifiable while numerous nongovernmental associations are pushing for sensible principles, a few activists presumably might want nothing better than to see the mining business, for example, squashed by over the top guideline. However, those voices shouldn’t direct the provisions of this conversation or blamed them for abstaining from having it.

Organizations may never wind up preferring the administration oversight they need, and they might be right in figuring that it isn’t in their rare personal circumstance to have it continually investigating their shoulder. Yet, extraterritorial oversight and guideline of organization human rights practices should be possible such that organizations can live with and get the benefit. (Cassel, 2001) Government activity need not be unduly difficult to be successful, and there is, to an extreme degree, an excess of avoidable human enduring on the opposite side of the scale to legitimize inaction.

Likewise, the possibility of human rights due diligence, which holds that businesses should find a way to distinguish, moderate, and address human rights dangers connected to their activities that would be a more grounded apparatus if governments make it required. Governments need to discover the fearlessness to make regard for human rights by corporations that must be compelled to follow the rules and regulations set by others. Human rights activists can help structure the functional administrative systems that are reasonable for organizations.


Around the world, there is a clear risk in life in an acculturated culture, where people do not understand the risk, and its consequences are expected. As in every project, though, before treating threats, it is essential to know what is being dealt with. Few may claim that companies owe no non-creation duty to society; however, there is plenty amount of risk that needs to be seen, and it is the responsibility of the business community to manage all the environmental dangers being caused at their hands. In every case, the individuals who embrace CSR feel companies can fulfill a broader purpose beyond simply amplifying benefits.  (, 2017)

Risk management is based on for points

1) Hazard Identification.

Sort the cause of hazard, and find the source of risk characterized it and make the detailed document.

2) Analysis

Before taking any action for eliminating the risk or controlling it, keep in mind the consequences and other outcomes. Determine the plan of action on how it will happen.

3) Control the risk

Assign all the necessary measures to mitigate and overcome the threat.

4) Review of control measures

At this point, review all the steps which will take place for risk mitigation and keep an eye on the residual risks and problems if more effort needed timely action shall take.

Environmental Hazard Definition

An environmental hazard is a state or event which has the potential to threaten the natural environment and also affect the health of the public. The process and method of identifying the hazards are described and all the elements of risks which can be the cause or source of hazard that needs to managed.

Job safety environment assessment

Particular procedure to work at risk or likely to the hazardous workplace, it mostly in the form of a document, many of big country now introduce the software for it.

Work Methodology

There is always a map to act about the risk or likely to hazardous; all the necessary precautions shall be adopted. Supervise every department and its role.

SWOT Analysis.

Strength Weakness Opportunity Test should be taken of the entire project that, in the future, such incidents can be tackled efficiently and effectively. Keenly understand the plan of action, complete all the legal and official formalities, mark the area in which the mitigation work will perform, and place the barrier. Take research before the operation of how the other companies managed the risk what their benchmark of work was, what measures they adopted.

Environmental risk management must be the same as all the other departments of business management or any of the different departments that make up the administrative capacity of a business. Specifically, the environmental risks and the management of the environment itself are firmly associated with that risk management is a piece of ecological management. Ecological risk assessment and management ought to be a component of each part of the business. From production to marketing to distribution and transport, the ecological effect of the company is significant.


CSR means that organizations and their workers act `to the best benefit of their community and society at large. Social responsibility is known as corporate social responsibility (CSR), where it relates to companies. This also highlights the need for businesses to become suitable corporate citizens. CSR includes going past the law’s prerequisites in securing the environment and adding to social government assistance. It is broadly acknowledged as a commitment to the present-day business. (Rangan, 2015)

CSR goes the extra mile, getting money for shareholders. CSR protects the needs of all stakeholders that are included in the business, such as suppliers, consumers, staff, and the networks in which organizations operate. CSR models include getting charitable work, caring about the world, and participating in noble undertakings. (Rangan, 2015)

Some people are arguing that companies do not own any responsibility to society outside of creation; nevertheless, there is a lot of cash inside the law that could be anticipated. In either case, the individuals who support CSR agree that companies will pursue a more profound purpose beyond simply amplifying benefits. Social accountability has increasingly become important for financial professionals and consumers searching for lucrative projects as well as providing social and environmental support to the government. At the same time, the critics contend that the underlying business concept does not accept culture as a partner.

Four kinds of corporate duties.

  • Environmental efforts: Environment is a critical subject of corporate social responsibility. Organizations, paying no attention to their production techniques, lead to having an immense amount of carbon emission is highly destructive. They need to minimize these experiences and enhance their production techniques to help build both the organization and society.
  • Philanthropy: Businesses across the world practice CSR by providing finance, products, or services to philanthropic activities across the world. Organizations, in general, have immense amounts of resources that they can use to maximize the benefits of their services. It will be highly beneficial to communicate the benefits of these businesses to help them understand the value of their services.
  • Ethical labor practice: Organizations may show their social obligation by treating the workers fairly and morally. They should devise these business strategies to compete on a level playing field, which will also make them socially responsible.
  • Volunteering: Being a part of volunteer activitiesis integral and it can aid in making a great of deal of impact on the organization’s vision. Consequently, companies may express their concern for specific issues by doing beneficial things without expecting something and commit to particular associations.

Grabbing social responsibility in that capacity will support the primary mandate — an improvement in investor appreciation. There is an ethical imperative for organizing business practices that do not impact the environment. Additionally, various corporations across the globe are expected to participate in socially responsible practices before making a venture or purchase. Depicting of being socially responsible is an appropriate image practice across businesses, so is the power to be able to do so can have a negative impact on the financial record. Social accountability is usually highly successful when willingly practiced.


CSR stands as an activity that evolves with the evolution of Business, integrating rational the change into the business model of a client. It is having a positive effect on the social, economic, and environmental factors. CSR encourages environmental development for both large and small businesses. If businesses seek to make the best decision for a primary interest as well as a financial profit by building trust with customers, consumers know they are supporting a brand that is socially responsible in terms of its products. CSR aids the people to invest in jobs, bring problems to light, and foster social change. (DMI, 2020)

And though hundreds of thousands of organizations do their part, the activities of large global companies have excellent effects that end up impacting all the major problems across the world that include global warming, public health, and other issues. Here’s an example of how a brand makes CSR effective. Millennials & Generation Z, socially conscious businesses, are considered progressive and vital. It is agreed that companies should invest in the search for solutions to making the world better in their overall self that supports such changes. Making efforts is essential for targeting Millennials, as these efforts can affect Millennials’ decision-making as consumers. Millennials would also like to take part in programs, such as having the option of engaging in humanitarian activities or giving donations to charitable organizations. (DMI, 2020)

If an increasing number of businesses across the globe begin to see the effect of their socially and ecologically responsible activities on a consumer’s acceptance, the higher is the likelihood that they will start taking measures on their own. Millennial activism of all ages will also affect changing CSR fashion toward workplace abuse of discrimination; diversity will continue to grow throughout the work world, welcoming individuals of all races, genders, communities, and cultures. Companies should also place their voices in response to social inequality and legislative shifts that impact the world in the opposite direction. Companies that socially more responsible can end up having more sales due to the support of all those customers that are learned about the impact of sustainability. The company is a shining example for other organizations to follow. They have become more immersive in their ways of conducting business portraying as socially responsible.

Indeed, all protection techniques can turn out to be active, and all the CSR trends need to be followed as well when an increasing number of information is being shared compromising of each data. This is only a small example of how corporations use corporate social responsibility to protect the world and make a commitment to improving the quality of life and happiness of the people they affect.  For companies across the globe, concentrating on the issues that consumers are keen about, and the impact thattheir efforts can have on the communityaround the world is essential. Companies around the world who work for the society in compliance with their obligation end up productive, and this also impacts the brand identity.








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