Sartre wrote for existentialism in a philosophical way. His main slogan was “existentialism precedes essence.” Freedom and personal space are some of the essential themes in his theory. For Sartre, freedom is that man has his own choices to work or to do something. To be free does not mean sitting useless. Because this causes distress feelings in a person’s mind, and the individual thinks that he is nothing. In his mind, the sense of nothingness arouses, which leads to the inauthentic life of a person. (Fieser, 2002)
According to Sartre, freedom is to make a purpose of life and then work freely by one’s own choice for that purpose. As an atheist, Sartre does not believe in “human nature “kind of thing, which he called “essence.” He believed that man is not created for a purpose, or God created the world. For him, a person is what he is, and he is full of himself. In his view, a person can become what he is not and not become what he is, as in his words, “being what it is not and not being what it is.” Man is free to make his character and image in this world. (Fieser, 2002)
He believes that freedom is limitless. His concept of freedom is” freedom entails something like responsibility, for myself, and my actions.” Freedom is that man is free for making decisions, making and fulfill wishes, and getting knowledge. He is free to make choices of work but also responsible for consequences. (Fieser, 2002)
Plato’s understanding of the relationship between God and morality
According to DIVINE COMMAND THEORY, good and bad happenings in the universe are to be done by God. Plato was against this theory. For Plato, God us perfectionist, supernatural and ideal one who runs the universe in an unapproachable way. His orders and motives to run the world are pure of imperfections. (Evans, 2018)
According to him, God is not responsible for evil happenings. He has not written everything occurring in the universe. We can say that God is the author of punishments of moral wrongdoings as the punishments are beneficial for wrong things. For Plato, God is a source of mortality. Otherwise, whatever is good or bad is of itself. God must be a source first time, but after there would generate countless causes of good or bad things. Plato seems not a true monotheist, but he believes that there is a divine and powerful soul behind the planetary motion. He called these gods, The divine theory rejects the idea of religion. Platonism says that morality is not possible without faith. If there is no religion, then how is it possible to decide whether someone is doing good or evil deeds? (Evans, 2018)
Evans, S. (2018). Moral Arguments for the Existence of God. Retrieved from
Fieser, J. (2002). Jean Paul Sartre: Existentialism. Retrieved from