American History
The differences in society are contemplated that, in turn, shape life events. Race constitutes differences in physical characteristics in sociological terms that lead to unequal treatment. Gender is about social construction regarding males and females in society. In the 19th century, the demographic transformation in Latino was seen in the context of immigration.
The Latino and Hispanic populations faced controversial issues in American history, and in 1960, less than 6 million people were from the Hispanic population. Latinos faced socioeconomic differences in class, and this differentiation had an enormous impact on the cultural and economic life of minorities (Bingham, 1991).
Racial Differences
The notion of racial differences has shaped society in the US and put emphasis on citizenship and non-citizenship. The Pan-Latino population of the US faced regional, national, and economic differences on the basis of race and gender. Latino immigration in the US has a complex history due to the California Gold Rush and the boundary of Mexico. In 1900, about 100,000 Mexicans migrated to the US that resulted in the Mexican revolution. The movement was followed by socio-economic racial difference trends in the early decades of the 20th century.
Racial Minorities
The concept of class and racial minorities is not new; in an example from primary findings, students took over 500 buildings with an aim to offer services to deserved people (Building, 2016). The issue about Hostos community college described the 1970s action about poor facilities to students on the basis of class differences. The voice was raised about South Bronx residents to enable Hostos to acquire necessary opportunities. From the 18th century, the sectional conflicts in American history acquired North, West, and southern states, even after the ratification of the constitution, the federal government ignored policies about immigration, hence neglected to bring forth racial minorities to eliminate the class differences.
Southern states were dependent on slave labor, and the concept of the Free state was quite difficult. Freedmen’s record in 1866 illustrates the poor dimensions of federal policy about education and poor children (Jacobs, 1866). The historical piece of literature provided evidence about the treatment of colored people, who could only use one side to walk through. The famous examples in this regard are Bull Street and Sherman’s march. The concept of class differences has given rise to discrimination among societal classes and races.
Cycle of Poverty
The Cycle of Poverty with the migrant’s framework elaborates on Mexicans’ plight. In 1935, under the National Labor Relation Act, it was discussed that industrial workers should receive equal rights, where powerful farm growers gave rise to lobby against farmers. Since 1970, the concept of hand labor was promoted, thereby engaged farmers and caused minorities to stay poor and disadvantaged (Gutiérrez, 2015).
These class differences and migrants’ plight contributed to significant socioeconomic deprivation in the US. The Mexican American population was aligned under the power structure, to hold Negros and keep away minority classes from freedom. The class differences in migrants persisted while in the slave community, human rights were grasped (JUAREZ, 1975). Migrants faced morbid situations, unethical conditions, and a deprived atmosphere.
Socorro Gomez Potter is a Mexican who shared similar experiences about structural inequalities, laborers faced. The gender and class differences, Mexicans faced, prevailed in the daily working environment. The narrator discussed feminism in the 18th century under the civil Chicano movement. The issue of equality of women was basic in the movement. Everyone was against racism, and the choice of human rights was accepted to survive in society (Potter, n.d.). The categorical inequalities, where racial and ethnic differences destroy societies, were condemned by different scholars. Gender equality was given significance by different sociologists to bring harmony.
Bingham, G. (1991). 9. Democracy in America | THE AMERICAN YAWP. Retrieved 23 November 2019, from
Building, 5. (2016). Students and Faculty Take Over the 500 Building · CUNY Digital History Archive. Retrieved 23 November 2019, from
Gutiérrez, N. (2015). American Latino Theme Study: Immigration (U.S. National Park Service). Retrieved 23 November 2019, from
Jacobs, L. (1866). Digication ePortfolio :: U.S. History Primary Source Reader | HIS 20 BCC CUNY :: Louisa Jacobs, Report from the Freedmen’s Record. Retrieved 23 November 2019, from
JUAREZ, R. (1975). “The Cycle of Poverty”: Mexican-American Migrant Farmworkers Testify before Congress. Retrieved 23 November 2019, from
Potter, S. Interview with Socorro Gomez-Potter. Retrieved 23 November 2019, from