Answer. The greater part of the individuals needs the motivation to like their occupations and execution in an ideal manner. A few people are riches inspired, while others discover acknowledgment and rewards specifically spurring. Inspiration force inside the working environment has a straight contact on specialist yield. Individuals who are encouraged and enthusiastic about their transporter complete their regular employments to the best of their inclination support accordingly. Motivation is gained from the contact of both conscious and oblivious factors, for example, the power of want or need, impetus or prize estimation of the objective, and desires for the individual and of their friends. (Rabideau, 2020)
How about we take the case of our Leader in debate society on campus, he is exceptionally energetic with the vast capacity to incite feeling; he is extraversion which makes him so chatty and emphatic he likewise has an excellent nature and he is helpful as well as trusted. Henceforth, every part of his character is loaded with inspiration, and he can get two the whole group. Additionally being a successful leader and achieving objectives implies functioning admirably together with others both inside and outside the organization. To work viably together, pioneers need to see one another. This getting comes, at any rate to some degree, from perceiving how individuals contrast from one another, that is, from valuation for character characteristics.
Everyone who is leading or managing needs some basic needs like self-actualization, physiological needs, and safety as its comprehensively shown in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy theory, his theory deals with meeting the core necessities, which include well-being, safety, belonging, and esteem. To implement this at work, managers/leaders can apply a variety of training and programs that celebrate differences in people. Safety issues are governed by law, but when someone takes an extra effort to look at things like goals or job function and design, it adds to followers’ morale. One should reduce the use of authoritarian methods that raises fear in Peoples. (McLeod, 2020)
Followers should be regarded by their Managers and associates during working hours. Besides, laborers ought to have the option to develop an activity plan for singular achievement. Same in the Hawthorne theory, that is the productivity theory dependent on the predicament of men to work. This incorporates shifts hours as well as breaks. It likewise includes observing them as a basic element of motivation to increase their performances. Hawthorne found that individuals were increasingly imaginative comprised of being watched instead of changes in their physical working conditions.
It can be concluded on the fact that motivation can aid immensely in enhancing the performance of any individual. From appraisals to appreciation, motivational speeches to leading from the front, all these factors aid immensely in the advancement of any individual. Whether the team members are unprepared or fearing, a brave leader can aid in rising up their level of motivation.No matter how a predicament is, they can perform beyond their own expectations primarily on the basis of being motivated by a self-motivated leader.
Answer. Yes, I do agree with the statement that a satisfied worker performs well at the workplace. Employee satisfaction is highly recommended as one of the most integral elements in making his work span at a workplace, fulfilling and happy. Many measures can make an employee satisfied at the workplace, and that can make his/ her time at the firm satisfied. For instance, If an employee is unsatisfied with his/ her job title or description. They will certainly not be able to perform well.
If a person who was hired as an accountant is given the responsibilities of marketing, just because they had a team member leave the company, that will undoubtedly increase the level of dissatisfaction of that employee on that job. If the person is dissatisfied, he/ she will give less effort and eventually lose the job. A person with accounting capabilities won’t do marketing that well. Another example is the late hours. If an employee is forced to sit late hours without a proper incentive, he/she won’t be able to work following the demands of the same level of motivation and hence become unsatisfied with the job. (PUSHPAKUMAR, 2008)
Appreciation is another major element in the making of a satisfied employee. If a person achieves immensely and the boss doesn’t appreciate his/her effort, he will undoubtedly lose interest in performing well and become less satisfied with the work. Likewise, if the pay doesn’t increase despite he/her playing so well will end up the job dissatisfied person & employee. Payment is the integral element that makes the person satisfied with the job that leads to performing well. Adding to that, Feedback is also critical, for an employee that gives them the satisfaction that how are they performing. If they are not performing well, they must be told, and if they are, this should also be said to them. (Deepa, 2014)
Policies and practices at the workplace also aid in making an employee not satisfied with the work that they are doing. If the systems are rigorous and the employee works with a different mind frame, he won’t be able to attain that task appropriately. If the firm’s policies and practices are incredibly flexible and the employee likes working in an organized workplace with equal policies applicable equally for all, he/ she won’t be able to work at the workplace with the same level of motivation and lose job satisfaction. (PUSHPAKUMAR, 2008)
Hence it can be concluded on the fact that, if an employee is not satisfied with their work from any of the above viewpoints or in reverse, is confident with them, it will automatically impact their level of motivation at every level, and they would not only be able to give their 100% but also achieve their goals to the best of their abilities and excel at every level. The workplace environment, policies, appreciation, and care received from co-workers, all work excellently in exact accordance with the level of satisfaction at the workplace.
Answer. The world of work is changing rapidly nowadays from remote offices to working on your phone from anywhere in the world. Technology has been a significant factor in transforming the whole idea of the workplace. The rules and routines have become flexible with deadlines becoming a part of the method. The use of technology has made it a lot easier to travel and do work, both at the same time. Employees moving across the globe do this for fun while they go from one place to another for meetings.
They have become extremely vigilant and from email’s many workplaces work on WhatsApp groups. Teams work side by side on projects and keep updating regarding the plans with the team members where ever they are. Adding to that, ideas and innovation both mean immensely as compared to consistency and performance. The elements of creativity and dedication both work alongside the long-lasting workplace relationships that impact the workplace environment. Social Media groups have also intervened where co-workers from different groups work together.
Another element is the importance of skilled workers that is increasing across the globe as a fa factor in increasing productivity and efficiency. Skilled workers, not only aid in building prodigies but also train the junior co-workers to make to work side by side. They also have better chances of secure jobs and long-lasting careers. They rely on skills to cover gaps and enhance their skills further that leads them to gain even more financially. Hence their skills as well as performance both take them ahead of others with better chances of getting increment and promotions quickly.
Adding to that, strategic skills are also becoming integral at workplaces, and organizations work as per long-term and short-term strategies to run their business activities. Moreover, it is not much about remaining stuck in the same hierarchies and working under similar bosses. Once a person is not satisfied with working under one boss, they can go up to talk to the senior management to get a hold of their own team. It’s all about ideas, innovation, and if an individual lives up to these, they can be their own boss.
Entrepreneurship is also underway across the globe with people from around the world, bringing up ideas and willing to give their products around the world. Amazon and eBay are the two new market places where people from across the globe place their products and sell directly to the customers. Workplace and large warehouses have also been replaced with modern-day digital offices and workplaces have been wholly digitized which has led to the old traditional way of working extinct and new immersive ideas are being injected. It can be concluded on the fact that all businesses over the years have digitized and have led to fresh business minds emerging and giving their 100% to make the overall market grow as well as make working easy. All these developments are supported and accepted globally now.
Answer. In an institute, attribution theory is proposed to assist a person in understanding the reasons for human behavior. This hypothesis is related to the impression of individuals busy working. The motivation behind this conversation is about the attribution hypothesis of organizational behavior. It portrays the situation of this theory in clarifying execution grinding away with the utilization of models and realities. It will talk about the reason and capacity of this theory incomprehension of the behavior or impression of individuals in the association. To know hierarchical conduct, it is basic to think about organizational behavior. (Dasborough, 2011)
Machines or structures are not the 2 elements that formulate an organization. All things considered, it additionally needs individuals who associate with one another to achieve an aggregate target of the association. As per Robbins, organizational behavior helps in understanding what individuals at work think and do in an association. It examines the impact which the gatherings, people, and hierarchical structure have on behavior inside the associations for applying the information for upgrading the viability of the association.
There are different reasons why associations should utilize the speculations of organizational behavior. The essential objective is noteworthy difficulties, which the association confronting is changing in differing workplaces. Organizations are getting progressively different as far as race, ethnicity, and sex. Everytheory of organizational behavior is made for understanding a fundamental part of individuals and association. The attribution theory of OB is intended to follow the observation and to use in the dynamic procedure in the association.
Attribution theory was acquainted with clarifying how we evaluate the people in an unexpected way, contingent upon the importance we credit to a given activity. By and large, this theory suggests that when we see the conduct of a person. This is a critical theory for the associations since it can help the top administration in understanding the explanations for the workers’ conduct. It can likewise help the representatives in understanding the musings about their practices.
Consequently, on the off chance that you can comprehend that why you are carrying on with a particular goal in mind and why others around you are doing as such, it implies you have a superior comprehension of others, yourself, and generally speaking association. The impression of the purposes behind conduct can affect the activities and judgment of both the workers and managers. It can assume a fundamental job in the inspiration procedure. It is noteworthy to apply the attribution theory in a firm for understanding the conduct of the representative grinding away. It can help the individuals in understanding their accomplishments and another person’s reaction.
There are a few components that can help the individuals in this system. Directors can utilize these attributions in rousing the individuals for the achievement of the association. This hypothesis can be seen as applicable to the investigation of the observation, position, which can manual for workers influencing their confidence. The report infers that attribution theory oversees how the perceiver utilizes the data to know the easygoing clarification for a particular occasion.
Dasborough, M. T. (2011). Attribution theory in the organizational sciences: A case of unrealized potential. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1-7.
Deepa, E. (2014). Effect of Performance Appraisal System in Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Productivity. Journal of Contemporary Management Research, 72-82. Retrieved from https://proquest.com: https://search.proquest.com/openview/c5a4ee17e144ffc432bf274f9254fa24/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2039847
McLeod, S. (2020, 3 20). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved from https://www.simplypsychology.org: https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html
PUSHPAKUMAR, M. D. (2008). The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance :. Retrieved from http://wwwbiz.meijo-u.ac.jp: http://wwwbiz.meijo-u.ac.jp/SEBM/ronso/no9_1/08_PUSHPAKUMARI.pdf
Rabideau, S. T. (2020). Effects of Achievement Motivation on Behavior. Retrieved from http://www.personalityresearch.org: http://www.personalityresearch.org/papers/rabideau.html