

Popov and Michael described the organizational environment in this article and highlighted that there is a need to focus on the mosaic view of organizational theory. This paper aimed to identify a critical approach that predicts the size of government and its structure that can help in the corporate environment (Michael, B., & Popov, M. 2014). The environment in any organization is linked to complexity and uncertainty. Authors in this paper have reviewed the organizational theory and bring forward some concepts related to the organizational environment. For instance, the role of macroeconomic fundamentals in the economy, these fundamentals are gross domestic products etc.

Critical Reflection

The current research paper is explanatory in terms of presenting a contingency-based view and resource-based implications that provide a rational approach. In the organizational framework, the mosaic view of the theory is related to the mix of concepts that can help to understand the public sector and its size—most of the public sector business help in acquiring visibility and acquisition of better organizational environment. The view of rational choice theory works for the scholars’ perspective that works in the administration of the organization to tackle challenges. For many organizations, different theories work such as classical and rational; they argue about the different school of thoughts, and post-modern thoughts are aligned on organizational structures. In a coherent framework, the scope of cognitive understanding describes cultural practices as well as symbols that are employed for employees.

The author shows ways that help the government to predict the size and structure of the organization because, on its basis, a regulatory environment can be acquired. Contingency theory perspective is explained by the article that when it comes in relative disrepute under the necessary support of the government.

Fundamental framework helpful for any government based resource model is based on competencies that engage government platform to work on budgetary, know-how and staffing. According to resource-based theorists, public organizations are engaged in obtaining political and bureaucratic means. Authors, in their view, described the role of public sector organizational theory that works to prove welfare under the combination of different theories. This concept of the mosaic theory is based on organizational concepts that acquire different theories to implement it on the size and structure of government (Michael, B., & Popov, M. 2014). Different theories from literature present the scope of government when it works for the environmental perspectives according to variability and complexity of work. The article argues that if governments are required to adopt structure according to the macroeconomic perspective, it will be likely that organizational structure will be changed.

The link between macroeconomics and organizational theory is significant to assess the public sector framework. The view of this argument is taken from multiple academic works of literature to know about organizational environment and size across different countries. This article is helpful to spread information about government size and gross domestic products that how a country accelerate its work performance based on generalization. Michael, B., & Popov, M. (2014) viewed the different examples presented in this article like Hungary, Greece and Maldives are appeared as the large government with multiple resources to engage the workforce. The view of trade openness matters more when viewed in an argumentative manner.

The current organizational framework is linked to mosaic theory in terms of a broader understanding of key concepts. The role of this argument is based on literary arguments about the organizational environment. Variability of economic shocks allows the understanding of government participation in the economy. The authors of this article focused on the gross domestic products and the contributory factors that help promoting growth patterns. It is described that most volatile economies are based on multiple resources so acquire high GDP. On the country, less volatile economies are classified in fewer income groups due to the nature of non-volatility of resources, so it also suggests that income level is not an adequate predictor of volatility. Still, it is the measure to gauge the national economic uncertainty.

Mccarthy, J., & Murphy, C. (2016) discussed the complex economies have resources organized in a better way to reallocate and engage broader economic sectors. Because of this argument, the changes in government reforms are linked to the complex basis of the organizational environment. This is related to GDP that contributes to bringing macroeconomic development. Public sector growth rate is measured in terms of asymmetric macroeconomic shocks, which are oriented on organizational performance. The views discussed by authors in this article are significant when viewed in light of other literature; for instance, the authors described that government under its framework could easily adjust its size to bring contingent macroeconomic change. The role and scope of government resources matter when the environment is planned. The planning often considers uncertainty and complexity into account.

Most of the arguments made in this paper about output, volatility and GDP are related to an organizational environment that engages resources to work on many expenditures. Prideaux, S. (2018) focused that low-income economies in the view of author exhibit weak pattern data regarding high-income countries. The important consideration of article is the size of government regarding the environment of the organization. These changes significantly work for structural maintenance regarding specific sectors. The views of organizational change about government hold that source shrinking impacts on the uncertainty magnitude. The size of government in a domestic economy is not necessarily linked to the size of government, but the prevailed resources that can decide for the GDP. The current research study engaged various examples of low income and high-income countries that are linked to less volatile and more volatile economies.

It is truly expressed that rational expectations of government are linked to the speed of adjustment because, in the organizational field, the adaption is seen. In this framework, the government has to focus on the environment of the organization because it gives rise to the rational approach. The role of government size to monitor resources and engage different bodies can describe the implications of the mosaic theory. There are significant measurements associated with government role in public sector organizations, which evaluate resources and size.  Government expenditure is based on low or high-income countries and their circumstances as it can alter the size of the economy. The policymaking framework is inherent to bring government expenditure and outcome-based factors because of government size.

It is argued that some countries foresee the change in economies when government size changes; this change is linked to the complex and uncertain situation. The change in the size of government precedes the size of government that can shrink in response to the uncertainty. The government may change the resources for public sector organizations that can enhance the flexibility of resources. This article holds an opinion about the size of government in terms of macroeconomic stability that is attributable to the policyholders’ decision making. Kurosawa, T., &Wubs, B. (2018) viewed the economist’s approach of response to the external shock allow rational acts, so the scope of understanding this concept is extensive and take to analyze negativity of these shocks. Mosaic view of organizational change is true in the form of prediction that policymakers cannot predict what is linked with the past and how speedily this can alter the future. The data presented about the size of government clearly shows the complex environment of macroeconomic conditions and how uncertainty prevails in such an environment. The article presented data about the sizes of the government using time series analysis.

The examples given in the article are about Australia and Japan; these countries have organizational adaptation. These factors are attributable to the strategic responses taken by organizations.  Idowu, O. E. (2016) given the structural emphasis on the external environment, needs the implementation of a theoretical approach, in terms of better organizational approach. Through current functioning and relevant structural examples of companies, it has been argued that government expenditure decides about outcome and practices. The involvement of mosaic theory here allows discussion of government involvement in the public sector. The adaptive orientation is seen for organizations regarding contemporaneous and strategic factors. Besides, these aspects discuss how organizations implement resource-based models.

Authors provided key insights about adaptations related to the macroeconomic environment because industrial GDP is influenced by many environmental factors. For example, Finland, China and the US are facing changes in public organizations regarding sectoral distribution in output. Gready, P. (2013) presented that this approach is linked to the government size and prevailed practices of organizational factors. The implications of the theory under the organizational approach has acquired the assistance of data from various countries. The government expenditure is clearly seen from fiscal policy and resources in public organizations. This approach is criticized by many literary studies that resource-based approach is not an expanded version for the understanding of long term factor-based output(Idowu, O. E. 2016).

This research article engaged various opinions of scholars about organizational theories and resource-based activities. The debate on contingency theory and organizational theory is related to the political framework and prevailed public policy (Michael, B., & Popov, M. 2014). In some contexts, this public organizational concept meets failure since the structural framework is capable of changing the output level (Prideaux, S. 2018).The strategic significance of organizational model cannot be negated because organizational adaptation is linked to the internal and external resources. Elsmore, P. (2017) discussed that anti-cyclical spending gives rise to external shocks related to the size of the economy and government.

Globally, there is a little relation between organization theory and political science and not a lot of importance either. Certainly, organization theory is usually taught in schools related to business studies and not in the political science departments. The relationships between companies and individuals, also between companies themselves, can be essential to their path. There is an interaction between organizational conditions and individual factors that should be examined; as it is dealing of companies comprises of individual and the individuals that are related to companies. The inner attributes of an individual public company will affect how it recognizes issues and how it resolves them, which results from it accentuates and what assessment models it employees. Simultaneously, a public company’s method of activity will be affected by other conventional companies in the private and public sector, in local culture and abroad Elsmore, P. 2017).

As a consequence, institutional research has been condemned for being engaged with common theories about the companies and for ignoring the significant politically organized companies and the relationship between organizational structure and matter of public policy. The observational focus has, to a broader level, been on the United States and has just often been representative of other Western democratic countries. It has implied that thoughts from financial aspects contribute to the detriment of components from political theory. (Prideaux, S. 2018)

Another theory of organization is influenced by concentrating on output and efficiency that focus on practical significance at the cost of other organizational considerations and phenomena, essential study and common progress of knowledge. Further, we are watching an ascending direction towards the possibilities and problems of each company and institutional strategies, and a transfer of focus away from groups and population of companies and social strategies. There is also a durable emphasize on the technical conditions, with a focus on technological, economic and market-based situations than on the organizational environment with its norms, values, doctrines and ideologies(Gready, P. 2013).


The article provides a coherent view of arguments about organizational framework. By matter of the fact that organizational studies progressively are established in business colleges, the consideration and focal point of the theory of organization has gotten misrepresented, prompting overstated attention on the private sector and decreased focus to the government sector. The public organizations include federal banks, state-owned enterprises, courts, regional and local government organization, military institutions, government health-care companies, public universities, public nursing facilities, museums and public charity organizations Elsmore, P. 2017). These companies are different from each other in many aspects. Still, they share attributes as official companies, they are founded in accordance to work for combined benefits and special ventures, and these companies have comparatively stable outlines of attitudes, rewards and resources related to their activities. A major expectation is that institutional structures will influence the material of public policy. Theory of organization presents a middle way between the legal norms that emphasizes on legal types and the public firm of laws to understand the systems of operations of any organization and the methods of operations that can reflect the external pressure and demand.


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