
Should Parents Assist their Children in Selecting Major Choosing a particular subject as a major is one of the vital decisions that decide a child’s future. Some parents want to make their children pick a carrier that they best see fit for them and look for the majors in studies that are relevant in that particular field. Imbalance in any of these predicaments could lead either the parent to impose something the child doesn’t want that would lead the child to become wholly misguided and stressed out. On the other hand, if the child chooses a major of their own without parents’ consent, that can lead to regret later. This essay will address whether parents should play an active role in making their children choose majors for higher education? 

When parents directly get involved in their children’s education and homework routine, they get to know their child’s actual interests and his likes and dislikes. As every child of the same parent has a different caliber, capabilities, and his or her own born talents. Some children are interested in Art subjects; some like to work on scientific projects, some like outdoor activities and games. When parents get involved in their kids day to day school activities, it gives them a clear understanding of their child’s weaknesses. Where the kids require improvement and need more guidance and help. Some scientific researches have proven that people are not born with any particular talent. As per Prof.Gill Crozier, Director of the Centre for Educational Research in Equalities of University of Roehampton, London, UK, “The notion of parental involvement tends to be regarded as a unified concept and accepted unproblematic as desirable by all concerned”(Crozier, 222)

Having a comparatively genius brain is one thing, but some capabilities need to be discovered. It’s just not enough to find any hidden talent or interest, but to polish, it further would make a difference.Darcy lyness in her study discusses kids with self-esteem as,feel liked and accepted, feel confident, feel proud of what they can do, think good things about themselves, believe in themselvesShe further says“Kids who feel good about themselves have the confidence to try new things. They are more likely to try their best. They feel proud of what they can do”(Lyness, 1)Hence, p0arents who try to make a healthy and friendly bond with their child can make their child more confident and of strong character. Parents supporting their children in their interests would help them become more passionate in their fields.

Parents who works in various professions understands all the implications of their work. “Parents influence the level of education or training that their children achieve; the knowledge they have about work and different occupations; the beliefs and attitudes they have to working; and the motivation they have to succeed. Most of this is learned unconsciously – children and teenagers absorb their parent’s attitudes and expectations of them as they grow up.(qualifax, 1) They  can do it so by gradually making them aware of their future responsibilities as an adult. They should teach them the benefits of choosing the right careers but, at the same time, pursue their passions side by side throughout their life.Mutual discussion is one of the most integral parts of choosing a significant subject for a child. The critical question that what you want to be is a half-hearted question asked by the parents as they have a carrier in their mind that they want the kid to have. It is wrong for either of them to cut the connection of thorough discussion while selecting a subject as a major as both of them have their concerns regarding the choices that the other one would have.

Career selection is the most crucial decision in any person’s whole life. Because wrong career selection would ultimately affect a child’s whole future in a very adverse way.Fizer in his study quotes “The people who most affect a student’s choice of major are friends,parents, teachers, and alumni. The people affecting a student’s career choice tend to provide more insight about the career field including factors such as how big of a salary it offers, how fast a student can advance, or the benefits that come with that job field”(Fizer, 12)

Experience is also another edge that parents have over their children as they have spent their lives and gone through good and bad choices. They know the consequences of wrong academic choices leading to life-long struggles and regrets. As research by Waterford “It helps to think of parent involvement as the first step to parent engagement. While teachers can advise parents on some things, parents also have important information about their child that teachers might not know. Both can bring perspectives to the table that enrich a student’s learning experience.  (Waterford,1)They can help the child choose wisely in terms of Academics majors and help the child avoid these hurdles. Yet the same experience can help them understand not to force their own choices on the child and help him/ her choose astutely.

If the parents aim their children to fulfill their unfinished/ incomplete desires, that certainly is a setback that can lead the children to have difficulties later. If a parent wanted to be an engineer, and couldn’t and want their child to be one, without asking his/ her interests, it is unfair and quite unjust. As per the study conducted by Eddie Brummelman,“From the early days of psychology, theorists have observed that parents sometimes transfer their own unfulfilled ambitions onto their child. We propose that parents are especially inclined to do so when they see their child as part of themselves, more so than as a separate individual.” (Brummelman, 1)  The parent should not force any decision on the child just based on their shortcoming on unfulfilled dreams. If the child had no interest in the carrier that they esteemed of choosing, it would be extremely unfair to force the child. If there is no freedom of choice, the child will suffer the consequences of the unjust decisions of the parents. The child must be given the liberty to choose freely from their perspective. They must be at least be discussed to have an understanding of their mind and choices.

Children are often under an immense amount of pressure regarding academics, and if the child is left alone in that regard, it becomes difficult for them to choose both. Hence, parents should take out some time to help the children with Academic choices. J.T. O’Donnell in an article writes “College graduates feel so much pressure these days to build an amazing career straight out of school.If they aren’t setting the world on fire with their greatness, then they are convinced something is wrong with them.” (O’Donnell, 2) In terms of choosing a major subject and opting in terms of both their interest, capabilities. It will build trust in them, as well. Parents who actively participate in the child’s education tend to realize their potential and understanding towards a particular subject.

Parents tend to have an understanding of strengths of their children. Prof. Lea Waters from Melbourne Graduate School of Education, refers to the importance of strength bases parenting. “Strength-based parenting is an approach where parents deliberately identify and cultivate positive states, processes and qualities in their children. It’s about connecting your kids with their inborn strengths such as strengths of character (eg. humor, kindness) as well as their talents such as writing or sporting ability.(Waters, 1) These strengths are the inner resources contained within our kids that help boost their life satisfaction. ” While children don’t know anything about the corporate world, parents understand the importance of children working on the studies that they have strengths in. They can guide them regarding the emerging roles and professions? What are the newly highest paying jobs? In some cases, children might go for such careers that are not worth paying.

So Parents can act the best guide to let him opt for his career after checking their child’s potential as well as the current job market scenarios. As per the findings of Prof. Lea Waters, research shows that children and teenagers who have strength-based parents: Have higher levels of life satisfaction, Have a better understanding of their own strengths, Cope with conflict in more pro-active ways, Use their strengths to help them meet homework deadlines, Have lower levels of stress.. (Waters, 3)Hence, parents should respond proactively to educate children for the best available options. They can do it so by gradually making them aware of their future responsibilities as an adult. They should teach them the benefits of choosing the right careers but, at the same time, pursue their passions side by side throughout their life. If the child aims to pursue a passion, as it can become difficult to follow a passion while pursuing a different carrier, both being the same aids in helping the child excel. Career selection is the most crucial decision in any person’s whole life.

Their involvement lets them excel and prepare them for the beginning of their life to seek all the opportunities so that they can easily choose careers and make it their passion in the long run.Kathleen Cotton in her article writes about the effect of parent involvement in schools. “Is parent involvement a valuable, if largely untapped, resource for schools struggling to provide state-of-the -art instruction with diminishing funds–a way to instill pride and interest in schooling, increase student achievement, and enhance a sense of community and commitment? Or is it one more responsibility to add to overburdened teachers and administrators–or even a threat to the autonomy and professionalism of the schools?” (Cotton, 1) Students, with this participation grow in confidence and become successful. Parents that carefully observe their child’s capabilities and their deep curiosities in the things they like the most. Being an adult and experienced parents are capable of analyzing a child’s passion and the best suitable job roles in accordance. Parents being passive at this predicament can negatively impact the child and also make them think as if the parent is not much interested in my choices.

Parents that ignore their children end up ruining their academic carriers. While others let them make their decisions on their own and not help them to choose the best ones. So that they can learn from their own experiences. Kendra cherry in an article describes about the effects of uninvolved parenting. “The children of uninvolved parents generally perform poorly in nearly every area of life. These children tend to display deficits in cognition, attachment, emotional skills, and social skills. Due to the lack of emotional responsiveness and love from their caretakers, children raised by uninvolved parents may have difficulty forming attachments later in life. (Cherry, 3)

It gives them a sense of protection that whatever they want, their parents will not punish them for making the wrong decision. It will make them more confident in making the right decisions in the future and will learn from there past mistakes. Just because the elder brother or parent chose a line of study isn’t reason enough for the child to make that decision as well. Studies have proved that people who tend to choose professions they love and are passionate about are more confident, Successful, and dedicated in their fields. As per the study conducted byABIGAIL BEALL from daily mail, Nurses’ daughters are more likely to follow in their parents’ footsteps, Scientist fathers have scientist daughters at 3.9 above the overall rate, Mothers who work in law are more likely to have sons with legal careers Twins had the biggest tendency to choose the same occupation, at 24.7% (BEALL, 2) Not letting a child excel as per their own passion is cruel. Choosing a career, according to passion, makes the individual feel free of stress and burden. It gives a sense of empowerment and personal freedom. Due to which that person does not bound to do the duties that he doesn’t really like at all.

Children that are gifted, their parents can guide them side by side, they won’t have to face the pressures of making tough choices alone in such predicaments. Some children are sensitive and are less confident in making the more significant decisions of their lives. As per a study Parents of gifted children are typically the single most important influence in their child’s development, outlook, and fulfillment of talent. In addition to being their child’s primary caregivers, parents of gifted children alternately function as “mentor,” “praiser,” “disciplinarian,” “playmate,” “teacher,” and sometimes “best friend”—to name just a few. Parents are truly the guardians and nurturers of their children’s talents. (Alvino, 1)Parents that tend to see that gift in their children and be their biggest support can help the child excel immensely.

It can be concluded that parents can be the best model in preparing their children more confident and build their personalities strong enough to face the demanding situations of their life bravely. Parents should always be supportive, encouraging, and backing their children in each phase of their life. It will make them self-sufficient. Choosing the right career is still a very confusing and risk-taking decision for some people with different career interests. It still confuses people that they are going for the right choice. Just because it’s their passion without knowing that it might not be the best career option in the long run. So Parents can act the best guide to let him opt for his career after checking their child’s potential as well as the current job market scenarios.

Similarly, there are a lot of more significant decisions that every individual has to make for himself during the different phases of their life Parents can aid children in improving their decision-making skills by guiding them to choose the most suitable major leading to a carrier. Career decisions can either make a person’s life or entirely ruin it forever. Hence parents can help and support children in making the right decisions at the beginning. This will gradually build their confidence in making the more significant decisions of their life on their own when there is no one to guide them.

Works Cited


Alvino, James. Considerations and Strategies for Parenting the Gifted Child . 1995. 10 4 2020.

BEALL, ABIGAIL. Taking over the family business: Children tend to make career choices based on what jobs their parents and siblings have. 3 2016. 10 4 2020.

Brummelman, Eddie. My Child Redeems My Broken Dreams: On Parents Transferring Their Unfulfilled Ambitions onto Their Child. 2013. 10 4 2020.

Cherry, Kendra. Uninvolved Parenting. 17 7 2019. 17 4 2020.

Cotton, Kathleen. “Parent Involvement in Education.” (1989).

Crozier, Gill. Parental involvement: Who wants it? 2011 17 4 2020.

Fizer, Darren. Factors Affecting Career Choices of College Students Enrolled in Agriculture. 2013. 10 4 2020.

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Lyness, D’Arcy. Your Child’s Self-Esteem. 2020. 10 4 2020.

O’Donnell, J.T. 3 Ways Parents Can Help Their Kids Avoid a Post-Graduation Career Meltdown. 26 3 2019. 17 4 2020.

Page, Beverly A. “A parents’ guide to understanding the behavior of gifted children.” (2010): 39-42.

qualifax. The Parent’s Role in Career Selection. 2020. 9 4 2020.

Sandler, Howard M. “Why Do Parents Become Involved in Their Children’s Education?” (1997). How Parent Involvement Leads to Student Success. 1q 2018. 10 4 2020.

Waters, Lea. THE VALUE OF STRENGTH-BASED PARENTING. 2016. My research shows that children and teenagers who have strength-based parents:916. 10 4 2020.


No bold necessary.  Also, Major isn’t plural and does not contain a possessive ‘s [ME1]


You can simply call it an essay or paper, not a study. [ME2]



Need to directly quote your source and provide analysis.  [ME3]


This isn’t cited correctly and needs a direct quote. [ME4]


Who is this?  Also, do not begin with a quote but with your own idea.   [ME5]


Who is this?  Also, do not begin with a quote but with your own idea.   [ME6]


Topic sentences are needed before you bring in a source.  Also, are you paraphrasing the entire paragraph?  Why the author name and parenthesis at the end?   [ME7]


Who is this and what is their expertise?  What article did you get the quote from?  This all needs to be clear for the reader. [ME8]



Why is this an element in your essay and not typed by you?  Did you cut and paste this from somewhere else?  Confusing. [ME9]


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