Facial Door Lock

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1.    Summary/Purpose

Samsung is a Korean company and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electronic equipment. It was established in 1938. Samsung’s goal is to use its talents and technologies to create the latest and improved products and services, and to contribute to global development. With the development of the smart home industry, smart door locks are alsobecoming common. However, as an emerging industry, smart door locks have some shortcomings that need to be improved, such asthreat of system hacking and information theft. Samsung’s new generation of facial recognition smart door locks will effectively solve these problems and provide a more flexible and convenient unlocking solution.

The potential targeted customer base of this industry is the working class that works long shifts and have been working for quite some time. To understand the profile of the said product better it is vital to know the features of the smart lock. Samsung’s door lock offers three features simultaneously. They are facial recognition feature, a pressure sensor, and a quick alarm system. This mechanism of triple checks can maximize the safety of the family. In addition, the said product also has very reasonable pricingso that mostof the working classcan afford it.In order to promote the products, online advertising options will be availed,whereas the products will also be displayed at flagship stores for experiencing first hand. The advantages that this next generation of smart door lock has to offer can make it earn a considerable place in the relative market.




2.    The Function of the Company

The Samsung Group is the largest multinational enterprise in South Korea. The Samsung Group includes many international affiliated companies with businesses in electronics, finance, machinery, insurance, chemistry, artificial intelligence, and many other fields. Regarding smart door locks, Samsung’s current products are SHD, SHP, SHS, DP, and P series. The price range is between 596CAD and 1380CAD. The unlocking methods include fingerprint, key, password, swipe card, mobile phone, and APP. The system can be supported through IOS as well as android, and is powered by batteries. Keeping this setup in mind, an attempt will be made by our company to innovate the smart door locks system even more than that of Samsung.The name of our product is Facial Recognition Door Lock, which will be commonly known as FDL1. The launching of our product has the potential to revolutionize the smart door locks industry. The utmost priority of our company and the major goal of our product is to ensure the personal as well as economic safety of our customers. In addition to that, our company has also been looking into ways by employing which our customers on long distances from their homes can be completely assured of the safety of their properties.This feature will help us attract the working class, particularly the workers in the flying industry who are almost always away from their homes. Secondly, our company has also taken into proper consideration the purchasing power of the targeted customer base,and we can state with full confidence that the said customer base amply possess the resources to spend on this necessity, and it will not be a burden for them.

As far as the functioning of the pressure-sensing and one-button alarm feature in our product is concerned, it will allow the customers to be aware of any sort of intrusion. This feature will operate through sensing excessive pressure, and the owner of the property will be notified of this either through an alarm system or through a mobile application. Many other previous shortcomings have also been solved through this smart system.

Moreover, not only have we paid attention only to the quality of our product, its advertising and marketing have been our primary focus as well. We have also allocated massive resources to after-sale services i.e., maintenance services for our valued customers. For the advertising purpose, to promote our product,its ads will be given on all popular social networking sites, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. In addition, we will provide customers with an opportunity to experience samples before buying, and with the option to adjust the products according to customers custom recommendations and requirements. When the product is released, we will provide customers with an unconditional 15-day return and three-year warranty option. Therefore, not only will we provide our customers with high-quality products but complete services regarding the product will also be present. Hence, we have enough competitive edge to occupy a considerable place in the market.


3.    Research Plan & Potential Competitors

It is a well-known fact that many households have already set up smart door locks to make their lives more convenient and safe. However, many of our competitors only provide a touch screen panel to enter code and or biometric options, but if the electricity ever fails or its mechanism jams, the lock needs to be destroyed to get in or out. On the other hand, our Samsung smart door locks allow entrance not only through entering a password and biometric scanner, but it also provides key way to deal with some emergencies. One can also access the house by using Bluetooth. This technology makes door locks safer because residents can track the history of access. So, this idea offers more ways to enter by using smart door locks. Besides, our product will be easier to use for all age groups particularly, for senior citizens. They will have options to choose from. We are also aware that many competitive products have set up build-in alarm technology to protect households against robberies. To overcome this highly competitive feature, we have coupled a type of pinhole camera in the base of that technology, which means people can completely know what is going on outside the door. This method can make the household safer and record evidence in certain situations. Besides, many products in the market have also connected the smart door locks with Wi-Fi technology besides providing the master control panel controlled through Wi-Fifor major household appliances and lighting systems. It can determine the need for turning on/OFF household appliances based on the presence of human beings (Park et al., 2009). We have to admit that this type of function helps achieve home automation. However, in the past decade, we have proved that firewalls, IDSs, IPSs, and air-gap isolation can’t provide complete protection, as attackers can evade all types of separation and infect an organization’s network by using malware (Guri&Bykhovsky, 2019). If the smart home locks are connected with other devices closely, hackers have more opportunities to attack electronic devices and get one’s private information. Furthermore, through this technique, they can also breach the smart door locks and put one’s house into a dangerous situation. Using SDS technology can perfectly solve this problem because any access would need Bluetooth,which uses a double encryption system to prevent privacy leakage.

Moreover, our product has two more very important features. Fist of them is automatic locking. We will add a motion sensor and voice sensor in the rooms. If there is no motion and voice in a certain period of time, the door will be locked automatically, which can prevent the situation that someone forgetful goes through or accidentally forgetting to lock the door. This is a recheck system that can make the house mare safe. We also recognize the weakness of the smart door lock, which is high power consumption. So, we prepare to solve this problem by using a more durable battery and a low volume warning. It can remind one of recharging in case of lock doesn’t work, and residents can’t get in.


4.    Objectives Key Issues

Samsung’s smart home is already widely known. Nowadays, many people use smart things. SmartThings has become an important line of Samsung products. The line includes many products that have made people’s life more convenient. According to a survey, the value of digital door locks increased to USD 2.13 billion in 2017. Researchers have estimated that the growth rate of smart door locks will be 27.2% from 2018 to 2026. On the downside, due to the popularity of smart door locks and the loopholes associated with them, the rate of burglary rose to 66%. The security problems of smart door locks are becoming more and more dangerous (Goodin, 2016).

The first key issue in this field is a software security issue. Each smart door lock allows everyone to download an application that can control any digital door lock, so people can use this software to check the situation of the home or the digital door lock. In addition to it, there are some other vulnerabilities; for example, one can steal or even guess the PIN code to open the smart lock. PIN code is the important information for the digital door lock. There are also some other applications that can affect the work of this application, such as disabling the holiday mode or setting off a false fire alarm. These malicious applications which appear in the SmartThings application store use bugs to enable thieves to permanently and secretly access customers houses.

The second key issue is about OAuth. Researchers have found that some people use the defective parts of SmartThings to cause OAuth. OAuth refers to allowing users to allow third-party applications to access private resources stored by the user on a website, such as photos, videos, and passwords. The researchers found that these people would use this flaw to open smart door locks. First, they will send a link to the users who have the smart door lock, asking the victim to click this link. This link apparently takes the victim to the actual SmartThings HTTPS website, and there seems nothing wrong while logging in (Greenberg, 2016). Finally, when the victim logs in, a message is sent to the thief, and he can utilize the victims login information about the door lock application to steal the PIN code.

5.      Way Forward

Based on these critical issues, the researchers have concluded that the new generation of smart door locks needs to strengthen the security management of the application. The researchers have recommended installing a facial recognition system on the door lock, which is also an essential feature of our product. First of all, it can eliminate the danger of stealing the pin code. Because it is not easy to copy someone’s facial features. For example, recently, in biometric door locks, many thieves use tape to steal the victim’s fingerprints and access the victim’s home to steal. Secondly, this feature also strengthens the safety factor of the door. First of all, the new generation of smart door locks can be installed with gravity sensors on the door locks. When someone maliciously destroys the door lock, an alarm sound can be issued to alert the users. Thirdly, the identification application is also installed on this system. This system can help users identify visitors separately. For example, when a user’s friend visits more than 5 times, the application software will ask the user to choose whether to record this person as a familiar person. At the same time, when a stranger stays at the user’s door for more than 10 minutes, the application software of the door lock will automatically send a message to the user to alert the user to pay attention to safety. This can significantly enhance the safety factor. The fourth is to prevent other malicious programs from stealing important user information. For the new generation of smart door lock applications, researchers suggest adding a security layer and strong anti-virus software to protect the users’ privacy and information, such as PIN codes. The security layer can prevent users from clickingOAuth, which can protect the users’ important data(Lodderstedt, 2018). Also, a strong anti-virus option will stop the application from scanning unnecessarily hence defending against malware. At the same time, researchers can configure it to meet the specific needs of users on any device and the entire network. It provides real-time protection (Rubenking, 2018). These ways solutions can curb the limitations that came with the previous smart door locks.



6.    Promotion Plan

The purpose of our advertising is to let people know that our products have excellent quality. We will put our advertisements on our own website and some apps which are really popular, such as Instagram and Facebook. These apps will give more people know-how and information about our company and our products. At the beginning of the career, in order to attract customers to buy our products, we will give them more rights. They can return within ten days even without any reason, and they will have three years warranty. If they want to try it first, they will also be able to try our products in our company. It will be exactly the same door that we will sell to our customers. They can buy it if they are satisfied with the product. In addition, when we will launch the newer products, our customers will have a great opportunity to trade in the old one and get the new one at a discounted price. For our marketing plan, first, we choose to establish and operate our company in London, Ontario. Because all the natives live in this city, and they know this city very well. If the locals of this area seem interested in our products and find them useful, we will continue to expand our company to other provinces and countries. What we really want to achieve is that customers can get through our smart doors to have a safer life. Secondly, we will encourage our customers to try our products. We will find some local distributors and offer each of them 3 to 5 products to let them have a try at our products. In addition, we will have a company membership. The membership will be divided into different levels. When one buys more products, onewill be ata higher level in the membership and will have more privilege. Thirdly, when the customers who have already purchased the door introduce our products to more people, they will have a 10% discount.

7.    Conclusion

Overall, there are many different types of smart door locks in the market because of the booming industry. Samsung’s original smart door locks have some major security issues, which cannot guarantee users’ safety and privacy.However, the facial recognition door locks are designed to ensure the safety of families and property and improve the flaws in the original digital door locks. For the Facial door lock, there are some new features, such as the alarm system, and options to prevent the invasion of malware. Our main agenda is not profiteering, but the citizens’ safety. Our company offers the customers a lot of rights, such as that they can try the product first, can return within ten days without any reason and can have three years warranty as well. We will read the customers’ feedback carefully and give the customers safer environments to live in.



8.    References

  1. Greenberg, A. (2016, May 2). Flaws in Samsung’s ‘Smart’ Home Let Hackers Unlock
  2. Doors and Set Off Fire Alarms. Retrieved from https://www.wired.com/2016/05/flaws-samsungs-smart-home-let-hackers-unlock-doors-set-off-fire-alarms/
  3. Goodin, D. (2016, May 2). Samsung Smart Home flaws let hackers make keys to
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  5. Guri, M., &Bykhovsky, M. (2019, May). aIR-Jumper: Covert air-gap
  6. Exfiltration/infiltration via security cameras & infrared (IR). 82.
  7. https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167404818307193
  8. Lodderstedt, T. (2018, November 9). Why you should stop using the OAuth implicit
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  10. Park, Y., Sthapit, P., Pyun, J. (20l9). Smart digital door lock for the home automation.
  11. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5396038
  12. Rubenking, N. J. (2018, November 26). 7 Signs You Have Malware and How to Get
  13. Rid of It. Retrieved from https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/7-signs-you-have-malware-and-how-to-get-rid-of-it


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