In the first chapter, the author has discussed the basic concept of corporate social responsibility and its relation to an organization’s mission, stakeholders, and its culture. CSR is the deliberate actions that a firm applies as it follows its own mission and accomplishes its apparent compulsion to stakeholders, including staff, the environment, communities, and civilisation as a whole. Internal and external communication is essential for the CSR process. Numerouseconomicallyefficaciousfirms have been slated for making and causing environmental harms that their CSR programs address (e.g., Wad dock, 2007). CSR actions should not be proposed to misdirect open observations or shroud bad behaviours. Or maybe, the choice to grasp CSR is essentially perplexing and ought to be predicated on the information that it will help create and execute a sound hidden procedure. This present book’s procedure situated structure is grounded in a correspondence viewpoint that recognizes a partnership’s association with partners, culture, political frameworks, and financial frameworks. (Timothy Coombs, 2012)
In the second chapter, the author describes and explains strategic CSR. When more prominent organizations incorporate CSR in their organizational plans and goals it becomes strategic CSR. Organizations can gain a competitive advantage using strategic CSR by minimizing wastes, reducing costs, producing organic food, which will ultimately help society satisfy their social concerns. There are 4motives & CSR alongside 2 dimensions of CSR. It is esteem driven, cause-oriented, stakeholder/ partner-driven, or delivered as per the desires. Hence, it can be concluded that it is vital while alongside other relevant conventional business targets. The CSR model is a ceaseless procedure that includes 5 phases. The principal arranges is Scanning and observing, second is leading developmental research, thirdly making the CSR activity, fourthly conveying the CSR activity, and in conclusion, directing assessment, and giving input. (Timothy Coombs, 2012)
In the next chapter, the author has explained the whole CSR scanning and monitoring process. This is the first stage of the CSR model. Scanning is done from the environment to seek threats and opportunities. It causes the associations to occupy their attention on the rising social and ecological issues that could influence the CSR-related impressions of the association. In opposition to checking, observing includes evaluating responses to current CSR activities. Observing is a significantly more constrained methodology than checking in light of the fact that it is limited to winning CSR endeavours. Though, Scanning may distinguish a CSR related issue and rank it generally high as a worry. The two procedures ought to go with consistently to get a preferred position for the association. The stakeholders of the organization should be involved in the scanning and monitoring process. Regular analysis of the CSR issues conducted by the stakeholder committee would help them identify the specific CSR issues that need attention. (Timothy Coombs, 2012)
The next step of the CSR model is Formative Research. The formative research analyses the CSR issues in detail which are selected from scanning and monitoring. It provides all the necessary information required for selecting the most important CSR concern and converting it into a CSR initiative. Not many organizations have the budget and time to deal with all the CSR concerns. Formative research helps management to take action quickly with all the essential info available. The expectations of stakeholders should be met while finalizing the CSR initiatives. This can be done by using two of the approaches that are expectation gap and alignment approaches. The gaps cannot be neglected as stakeholders can become offensive because CSR initiatives will not be aligned to societal concerns. Corporations are mostly interested in only those CSR concerns which will have a positive influence over the stakeholders and society. (Timothy Coombs, 2012)
The next chapter discusses the formulation of CSR initiatives, decision making of the top management to shortlist and prioritize CSR concerns. This stage involves the mutual understanding of all the parties taking part in decision making. There can be a clash between the stakeholders due to their different interests and views on CSR which is a natural part of the final decision-making process. Stakeholder concerns should be taken due to three important characteristics. The first factor is stakeholder authority, second is the legality and third is a demand by the stakeholder. These are considered Salience factors. The management should figure out the financial cost and return on investment of the selected CSR initiative. The CSR objectives should be identified as the process of CSR initiative and its outcomes. The stakeholders should also create some assessment methods and standards to analyse the effectiveness of CSR objectives. Stakeholders’ involvement helps the corporation determine their impact on decision making and the effects of outcomes and CSR concerns affecting the Stakeholders. (Timothy Coombs, 2012)
In the next part, after creating a CSR initiative is to present it to all the concerned stakeholders whether external or internal. The employees working inside the organization are the internal stakeholders. Whereas everyone who gets directly affected by the CSR initiative decision or have a mutual interest in the organization. Initially, the internal stakeholders should be informed about the CSR decision. They will help the organization in communicating the decision to the external stakeholders. To avoid any reaction from the internal or external stakeholders before the announcement of the CSR initiative decision, management should make a sound plan to deal with all the opposing acts. Ultimately the management should make a decision of communication method used to deliver and report the final CSR initiative decision. As stakeholders are interested in receiving an authentic report on CSR initiatives so that they can provide their feedback. Currently, there is no hard and fast rule for delivering CSR reports so organizations can provide the information according to their desire. But this step is crucial as it has a vital part for the whole strategic process. (Timothy Coombs, 2012)
The next step is the process of evaluation based on which feedback is provided regarding the CSR initiative decision. The process of evaluation involves systematic procedures for the analysis of the CSR initiatives and the objectives being involved obtained or not. Management should not rely solely on stakeholder concerns but also take into consideration other factors as well. In some cases organizations focus on satisfying the stakeholder’s concerns only. To get a clear understanding of the results of CSR, the outcomes of the objectives should be analysed. It provides a translucent picture of the facts that how efficiently and to what extent CSR initiatives have served the concerns of the stakeholders or the organization. The results would help financial stakeholders get a clear understanding of the exact return on investment. In some cases, non-tangible benefits cannot be estimated after the implementation of CSR initiatives. (Timothy Coombs, 2012)
In the last part of the book, the author has discussed are the problems and issues for fulfilling the CSR initiatives. Problems that arise and affect the CSR initiative can be dealt with easily by taking supportive managerial actions. The CSR initiatives are helping the society in several ways. The supervisors in any organization should do a profound thought process on every process of CSR initiative. There are several benefits of CSR initiatives and their implementation in the corporate sector. It helps to decrease child labour ratio and poverty, improve human rights, pursue social justice, and help people live healthier lives. Many organizations are working together on the same cause to create and implement effective CSR initiatives for the betterment of society. (Timothy Coombs, 2012)
Timothy Coombs, S. J. (2012). Managing corporate social responsibility : a communication approach. Wiley Online Library.