National Culture of Switzerland

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In Switzerland, the major culture of European countries prevails, though the main language of the region is Italian, French, and German, as well as the national language of Switzerland. The Swiss culture is diverse because it is reflected from multiple traditions. Large cultural diversity display a key role in shaping history. The famous cultural icons in Switzerland are Swiss cheese, Swiss chocolate, banking, watches, and cowbells (Arturo, A. B. 2018). Business, banking, and financial services in Switzerland are secure, yet fluctuations are seen due to regulations. Employees working in such an environment strictly focus and adhere to the regulations and confidentiality policies. National culture in Switzerland in the form of business acquire a decent form, soberness, and responsibility.  This paper will discuss how MNCs should behave and act while entering in Switzerland.

Companies working in Switzerland are versatile in implementing cultures related to French, German, and Italian parts of Switzerland. Top management is usually involved in the decision making process, yet employees feel and acquire responsibilities because it differs from one company to another. In Geneva, many international companies have American culture, and it can be seen that employees are more responsible, yet they are less hierarchic (HawkSEM, A. B. 2019). The culture of management in any organization works due to planning. The role of planning is integral; for instance, detailed planning is followed by tight schedule, so a laid back approach is prevalent in these companies. Long term planning is helpful in executing tasks with diligence.

The national culture of Switzerland prominently exposes business decorum. Meetings are embarked on orderly, impersonal, brisk, and task-oriented frameworks. Business meeting needs individuals to get ready before its start. Before starting a general discussion, Swiss tend to get right down, since non-verbal communication is integral in this culture. Organizational planning and procedures are important for the success of the business. Meetings are followed by the detailed agenda plans; discussions are aligned to aims while employees are expected to contribute with goal-laden approach (Piscitello, L. B. H. et L. 2014).   

If a multinational company starts business in Switzerland, it has to undergo main cultural aspects that prevailed in that particular atmosphere. Switzerland is a place where all the business companies have to focus on management culture. It is important for companies to prepare them before entering into a booming business center. The Swiss business culture is specific in terms of management and strong due to the skilled workforce. Switzerland is considered one of the successful economies of globe so executives of multinational companies (MNCs) consider some valuable factors crucial to develop their businesses. MNCs are the main engine of economy that tend to implement latest technology to improve its productivity. In Switzerland, these companies are increasingly following research and development practices for their newly introduced products. If a company is willing to work in Switzerland in near future, it is important to know key factors that matter most in that atmosphere. For example, how management works, what are the cultural issues and how much nonverbal communication helps?

MNCs should have to consider the responsibility of workforce, punctuality and nonverbal communication. They need to maintain dress standards, small talks, greetings and honorifics. In the professional settings, employees are not allowed to talk about their living situation, age, marital status, religion and personal lifestyle. Swiss managers fairly involve in their low key approach and do not display theatricality because all the managers have to be objective, reserved and level headed. Moreover, authority and respect are key factors that are associated with relevant knowledge. Technical qualification and experience highly matters for the management because a technically competent professional is likely to make collegiate decisions. A collective approach is required at senior management level because non-confrontational approach seen agreements in contacts. Leadership in business management is charismatic, dynamic and shaker so all MNCs trying to enter in Switzerland have to consider these steps.  

Product research is core for MNCs in Switzerland. The best suggestion for these newly entering companies is to incorporate research and development for their product. Switzerland is an inherent country with desirable atmosphere to enter, so it is attracting global companies due to geographical position. Per capita income in Switzerland is increased in past ten years so this increased level of output encourages new entrants to make a position. Research and development is related to transfer technological knowledge. It is advised newly entrant MNCs to focus on their product development by adding more to technology.

Innovation is a key to start development in business practices, also it is a shift from traditional competence model. In Switzerland, existing companies are more associated with adaption of technological assets. The modification in infrastructure and transformation of technological processes is carried out to make them more technology intensive and enter into scientific infrastructure. MNCs should consider latest innovation to incorporate it in their product development process, since it will contribute more revenue and growth of the company. People are equipped with technical knowledge in Switzerland so the growth parameters are assessed with the adoption of technology and implemented innovation in product development process. More research and product development practices will motivate buyers (Piscitello, L. B. H. et L. 2014). In addition, this will also help MNCs to beat existing intense competition and get knowledge seeking motivation. Research and development activities is also linked to knowledge transfer activities that sister companies do in a desirable location.


Arturo, A. B. (2018, August 16). The attractiveness of Switzerland as a location for businesses. Retrieved from

HawkSEM, A. B. (2019, February 12). Adapting to the Business Culture in Switzerland: IBS Tours. Retrieved from

Piscitello, L. B. H. et L. (2014). The impact of foreign R&D activities on the MNC’s performance at home: evidence from the case of Swiss manufacturing firms. European Journal of Economics.

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