Animal Farm and Lord of flies, both have depictions of Democracy breakdown. Inanimal Farm, animals were dictated every step of the way by NapoleonLikewise, in Lord of Flies, Jack becomes bossy on others. He is arrogant and makes them feel like he knows more than they do and order others to do things.
In Chapter 2, Napoleon says, “Never mind the milk, comrades!” cried Napoleon, placing himself in front of the buckets. “That will be attended to. The harvest is more important”. This shows Napoleon lust for power. He is a clear dictator on the sheep’s as he makes them chant this phrase repeatedly. He doesn’t wants to share the milk but saves it for the other pigs. He makes them chant it like a mantra and shows this pig as being a monster.Aldino Hartan in his article, Dictatorship Of The Proletariat In George Orwell’s Animal Farm Novel (1945) : A Marxist Analysis, describes Napoleon as a dictator. He schemes alongside the hounds to take over the leadership. (Hartan, 2019)Napoleons actions depict him as a dictator with lust for power. Further, in Chapter 3, Orwell writes about the puppies, “As soon as they were weaned, Napoleon took them away from their mothers, saying that he would make himself responsible for their education.” This is another example of dictatorship where the puppies away to train them. . Stalin was also a dictator like these used to scare the animals in the faUsing them to keep the other animals in check is what a dictator would dorm.Hartan in his article refers to this predicament as another example of Dictatorship as he was using violence and fear to put the animals in their place and make them feel sad and down.(Hartan, 2019)Hartan’s perspectives that Napoleon is actuallya brute dictator who used terror to silent the other animals at the farm.Napoleon says, “Comrades, do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL!”This directs towards the realization that Napoleon was a tyrant who wanted to derail Snowball as the leader.He wanted to use this predicament in his favor and turn all others against his opponent is an example of breaking down democracy and introducing dictatorship. John Rodden in his article refers to “Napoleon as the dictator Stalin”. (Rodden, 1999) Stalin also had the lust for power and he made the wholea s snowball was the true leader of the animals that is why he was maligning his name the most to turn them against him.
Lord of the Flies
In Lord of Flies, Jack says,“And you shut up! Who are you, anyway? Sitting there telling people what to do. You can’t hunt, you can’t sing—”(Golding, 54)This is another example of demeaning and making other feel small about themselves. Leaders do not make other feel bad about themselves to feel big. They take the team with them and motivate them every step of the way. They don’t tell the team member to shut up or mock them by saying who are you anyway. This is not just insulting but shameful but openly depicts that Jack is ab autocratic leader and only believes in giving order rather than taking the team onward with him.Jack in Chapter 4 said, I painted my face—I stole up. Now you eat—all of you—and I—”(Golding, 54)This is a portrayal of Democracy breakdown as jack yelled at his team to obey him. This is a very harsh tone used by Jack and the choice of words is very insulting. LIU Li in her article, “The Application of Frye’s Theory to Lord of the Flies” describes jack as Satanic. (Li, 2014) His actions are trulySatanic in nature and wants to the democratic breakdown. Li presents his character as someone who is demonic in nature and loves being savage to others. Golding presents him as self-absorbed about himself and forces others do what he wants that make him a complete dictator. He is the least likeable character in the novel due to his dictator attitude and at every step of the way; we find one new reason to dislike him with his actions. He is very rude and has no right to demean others.Jack further says,“Hands up?” said Jack strongly, “Whoever wants Ralph not to be chief?”(Golding, 54)These words depict thatGolding shows the characterof jack asrude and a dictator who wants to be the chosen chief.He wasa control freak and made those in her teamsuffer. Ralph represents democracy and listen to others. Jackon the other hand symbolizes dictatorship shamelessly shapes the minds of other team members as Ralph. Hedrift’s away from the process of a democratic system by which Ralph was selected as the chief of the team. Asking them to raise hands against him is itself a portrayal of democracy breakdown in Lord of the Flies.
In the light of this evidence, it’s concluded on the fact that from it is proven that there was characters in both the novels and they were the Portrayal of democracy breakdown. Jack was the dictator in Lord of the Flies and repeatedly he showed signed of overlapping the democratic process at every level. Repeatedly proved of being so. On the other hand, Napoleon in Animal farm was the dictator anddespite the animals but also for the fellow human beings as well.
Golding, W. (1954). Lord of the Flies. Faber and Faber.
Orwell, G. (1945). Animal farm. Secker and Warburg.
Hartan, A. (2019). Dictatorship Of the Proletariat In George Orwell’s Animal Farm Novel (1945) : A Marxist Analysis. Retrieved from
Li, L. (2014). The Application of Frye’s Theory to Lord of the Flies. Studies in Literature and Language, 187-189. Retrieved from
Rodden, J. (1999). Understanding Animal Farm: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents.